As a mom of two, I think it’s fair to say that I see my fair share of laundry. See attached photo for details.

Photo above is from less than one week.
When you have to organize this much laundry, it’s like doing a constantly shifting jigsaw puzzle. Especially if you do it while the kids are awake! Most of the time my daughter is respectful of my work area but some days everything is a blanket for her toys. So not only am I folding, sorting, and keeping track of everything; I am also playing goalie against my threenage dirtbag.
There’s a version of me that wouldn’t have been able to handle my totally organized and beautiful laundry being torn apart by my kid. However, this version of Seaneila understands that I can make a game, have fun with my daughter, play with her AND complete a chore. Who doesn’t like a combo deal?
After many many therapy sessions, I am proud of the version of myself that was lucky enough to become a parent. I am able to keep my cool, love my daughter, and help guide her emotional growth. And all of this from folding laundry.
Tonight, as I’m trying to quietly draft this entry, I folded the laundry alone. My family peacefully asleep in our comfy king size bed. And I don’t mind, because I get peace and quiet. But I also get to reflect on the fact that I am so grateful to be a mom. And a wife. And everything else.
So next time you feel annoyed with your child, or at your “wits end,” remember their cute little fucking hands grabbing for the laundry. Remember their devious little smile. Remember their jammy hands and their messy hair. Remember the smell of the day. Because it goes. And time doesn’t come back. But beautiful memories, core memories, are forever.